2GiG SP-2 Firmware Update

Having checked the forum, is there a Surety download link to the 2Gig SP-2 firmware update GC3 SP2 1.2.295 ?

Per the Nortek/2GIG
"SP2 firmware update is available on Alarm.com dealer portal listed as a “GC3 SP2 1.2.295”.

there are 2 options:
either dealer (Surety for me) can push the update into the GC3 which then passes it to the SP2

the installer or user can update the SP-2 directly via USB update menu in the SP2

So where can I find the image or how do I get customer service to push the update down?

Typically, firmware updates related to the 2GIG GC3 are available either via OTA or via USB. However, currently, the 2GIG SP2 secondary panel firmware version of 1.2 is only available as an Over the Air (OTA) update via Alarm.com.

The SP2 would need to be connected prior to the firmware being pushed and the main panel should be on 3.1.2 or above.

The OTA process can take up to 12 hours to complete and if sent via cellular would incur a $10.00 data charge. If sent over broadband, there would be no charge.

OTA update requests can be sent directly to customer service via the Secure Message Tool.

However, records indicate that customer service has reached out to you regarding the OTA

As a follow up, it looks like there are no SP2 peripheral devices currently showing as being attached to your GC3 system. Equipment update requests are not resulting in success.

If you currently have the device attached, can you please try removing the SP2 and re-learning into the GC3 via the Access Point option on the GC3?

Unless the device is properly relayed to ADC via your GC3, a firmware update cannot be sent.

Unfortunately, the SP2 is still not reporting to Alarm.com and the firmware cannot be sent until such time that it is.

At this time, we would recommend sending a Reboot command to the main GC3 in order to get the SP2 to report to ADC. Is it okay to do this at this time?


I would like to update the firmware my sp2 panel however, This panel has a history of freezing up frequently. My concern is with this happening as often as it has been, what are the chances the panel will be bricked as a result of freezing during the update. Or will it automatically roll back to the previous firmware in the event of a failed update?

There are too many variables during the application of a device software update to say exactly how it will act in the event of an error.

In general though, there is a very good chance further problems would be encountered if a panel or keypad crashes/loses power during an OTA. The likelihood of a bricked device is high.

Just to be 100% certain, are you saying the GC3 panel freezes? Or that the SP2 freezes?

If the SP2 crashes often and predictably, that stands a good chance to be a hardware issue. How long ago did you purchase the SP2? I would consider warranty replacement through the original vendor if possible.


It’s the SP2 panel. Got the panel used… I’ve seen alerts about google play not responding and a few have been android related. Is the only option OTA updating at this point? Or is it possible to use the micro USB port in the back of the panel?

I am more suspicious of OS based issues considering essentially it’s a 2 gig software “imaged” onto an android based tablet…

while that has been a feature requested through 2GIG, currently the firmware for the SP2 can only be pushed via OTA through Alarm.com.