Qolsys 2 - Issues After Power Failure

Had a power outage in my neighborhood late last night. About an hour into it, the panel alarmed and notified of RF Jam. Within a minute the ADC app pushed 2 notifications. One for the rf jam and another for phone line failure. The power restored after 2 hours and I ran a cell connection test which passed.

Why would a power failure cause the panel to randomly alert to a rf jam?

The notification in the ADC app still remains for the phone line failure. How can I clear that?


Possible power surges can account for strange behavior and reporting. It looks like the RF Jam alert was indeed in tandem with power restoral.

An RF jam alert is meant to show when the panel receives an overwhelming amount of signals from a device or devices’ IDs to try to jam the radio. Are all your sensors wireless or do you use a hardwire 16?

The stranger issue is the fact I am not even seeing a phone line failure report, and the IQ Panel 2 does not have a phone line. (phone line failure refers to landline, POTS backup)

I am checking with ADC on where that alert is coming from and whether it can be cleared easily on their end. It appears not applicable.

Thanks for the information Jason. I am very curious about phone line failure. I’ve attached a screenshot from the app for reference.

We’re sending some commands to the panel to try and clear the alert.

Since the alert is not related to the actual panel’s hardware capability, the panel will never provide a restoral, which is why the alert is still there. We are checking to see if we can purge that with a few commands.

The notification is not showing in the ADC app anymore.

Thank you for confirming. I think the outage and power restore caused an issue with the report which generated that error, but I’ve never seen that bug previously. We’ve reported it to ADC, but I wouldn’t expect to see it again.