How to add Nest Thermostats now?

So when logging into Nest, they have a Google login. I used that, and it says they are sun setting Works With Nest (WWN) and I need to remove my WWN integrations to migrate to the Google login for Nest, which I did. I logged into ADC, went to add Nest device since my thermostats no longer show, then I get directed to a page saying “Set up device in Google Home App”.

I’ve read Google has said, “partners will undergo security audits and we’ll control what data is shared and how it can be used” From what I am seeing, it looks like ADC will need to get a Google Certification to move to the new “Works with Google Assistant” (WWGA) program. I imagine this is what is needed to make integration possible before the shutdown of “Works with Nest.” Is this in the works? Or has it been done already? If not, is there an ETA?

I like full integration into ADC, I don’t want to use another app.

Should I have not migrated my Nest account to Google. Does ADC no longer support Nest integration now?
Thanks for the help.

I wish ADC would support Ecobee. I would like to rid my life of Google/Nest.

Should I have not migrated my Nest account to Google. Does ADC no longer support Nest integration now?

Because Google has dropped support for Works with Nest, new integrations are in a limbo period unfortunately as of 8/18/19. Existing Nest thermostat integrations should work normally. is indeed working with Google to adopt the Works with Google Assistant program. There is no ETA at this time but it is an active operations notice for dealers in, so it is being worked on now and shouldn’t take too long.

I wish ADC would support Ecobee. I would like to rid my life of Google/Nest.

The more integrations the merrier, I wish they would as well. There’s a lot of focus on enhancements to the Z-wave tstat offering, with the new ADC-T3000 released.

We will throw another feature request for Ecobee support their way.

Any update on if this is coming soon? I just signed up with ADC and Surety again but can not seem to integrate my 2 nest thermostats. I used to have ADC thermostats in my old house which worked wonderfully, however my new built home came with nest thermostats.

Unfortunately this is due to Google changes but we’re hopeful to get it resolved quickly! The latest update expected a resolution roughly 4-6 weeks from the end of August. So a few weeks from now is the likely range for a fix.

Hi Jason, we’re now in December and still no update on this? I’ve got several devices setup with ADC but my thermostats are still not able to be added at this time. 4-6 weeks has came and gone…

The integration for “Works with Google Assistant” or Google Smart Device Management, for use with Nest is not in place at this time.

I have reached out to ADC and will post any new findings here

I’ve been informed that Nest Integration is now available again. You can do so on the website by navigating to Settings > Add Device.

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Thanks for the notification! I’ve went through the setup and I’m back in business now!