Go!Bridge: No Backend Connection

I’ve successfully added the Go!Bridge device and both green lights turn on showing it is connected to the panel and Ethernet, but the panel continues to show this error: “No Backend Connection”. I’ve reset the Go!Bridge, still have error. Suggestions?

It looks like in this case the panel had just not updated ADC with the dual path settings and synced the bridge. We’ve sent a status command and it looks like the bridge should be functioning now. Can you confirm the error is gone?

I received a new error prior to your message about loss if supervision in the bridge. I just restarted the panel and am still seeing these two errors

No backend connection
Supervision failure

That means that the panel has lost connection to the Go!Bridge. I do see a broadband ping is now not going through. Can you try power cycling the Go!Bridge? Any change?

Same errors after restarting bridge. Bridge now has the 900MHz light flashing red and Ethernet green. Until now both lights were solid green.

Yeah, it seems the panel 900mhz connection to the Bridge is the issue. Just to confirm, you have the XCVR2, correct? An XCVR2 transceiver with the curly antenna is required for the Go!Bridge to work. The panel does not come with this by default. Is the XCVR2 installed?

If so, double check to make sure it has not been dislodged. Power down and open up the panel. Try removing and reseating the XCVR2. Any luck after power up?

Yes I believe it is the XCVR2, it has the curly antenna. I’ve been able to connect the 2Gig-pir1-345 motion detector and it still communicates with the panel. So I think the XCVR2 is working.

The PIR1-345 is not a 900 mhz device though, and it is possible to have an issue with one radio but not the other. I wouldn’t jump to that though as it would be very rare.

It might be good to try to delete and re-learn the Go!Bridge to the panel in programming. Any luck?

OK, after deleting and re-learning the Go!Bridge the errors went away, both lights are green, panel says connected, and the command to start the system from the app seem to make the lights blink before arming. Success. Thanks for your help!

p.s.- The Go!Bridge should help with loss of supervision from my bad cell signal (radio status 6/31), yes?

The Go!Bridge should help with loss of supervision from my bad cell signal (radio status 6/31), yes?

It won’t directly help with cellular loss of supervision, there will still be cellular pings, but it will act as a concurrent communication method so that your panel has good signaling even if the cellular signal strength is low.