Changed wife code on ADC, did not update GC3?

i have a kwikset 912 lock on garage door, connected to our GC3 panel; have set ADC so that user code on garage door keypad unlocks door and also disarms GC3 panel. Has been working fine for 3 months or so.

last week i changed wife’s 4 digit code on ADC online; new code works on kwikset lock, but does not disarm the GC3 panel. ADC must have sent the new code to the lock, but how did the GC3 panel not change?

i could always change the code on the front panel, but i thought the ADC website “pushed” the update to the panel. Am i mis-understanding, or what else should i do?

not a particular issue, she just uses my code to disarm. But it’s much easier just entering in once, and wives sometimes complain when things don’t “work like it used to”. <g>


Looking at the history it seems like the changes were properly processed, but it is possible an error occurred in the transmission.

If you would like we can send a command to sync the codes in ADC to the panel to ensure they all match. Please confirm if we should try that now.

whatever you did, must have fixed it!
seems to be working now, so thanks.


<next time i’ll just wait a little longer>

We didn’t send any commands yet in this case, so it may have been a different cause, or as you suggest timing. Glad its working, and thanks for following up!

ok problem is back.
i have a GC3, and one SP1, running current firmware.
The wife’s code on the kwikset doorlock works, but doesn’t on either panel.
Just logged in to the panel(s), and they show her code as the same old code.

somehow the lock got the update, but the panels did not. Sure thought this worked 3 days ago?

Anyway, will you please “push” the update to the panel, so that the codes currently showing on the ADC website are populated onto the GC3 panel? (assuming this is the correct process; i can always log onto the GC3 and change them manually).

no particular rush, and i appreciate your help.

Not a problem, we have initiated a command to resync the system codes based on what is in ADC. This may take 15-30 minutes depending on the number of codes and devices.

After 30 minutes, any change?

Yep, looking all good now.

<sorry took so long to respond, greatly appreciate your assistance>

Great, thank you for the follow up! Glad to hear it is resolved.